Business Advice & Ongoing Support as you need it!

Carer Mums in Business is a new community created especially for carer & SEND Mums who want to start or grow a business so that they can continue to earn, use their professional skills and maintain their sense of identity, even when things at home get a little chaotic.

Running your own business can be a lonely experience and caring for a child with additional needs can be isolating. But for so many carer & SEND Mums, starting a business is the only option that enables them to continue working while caring for their child. That's why we've created Carer Mums in Business.

A community of people who 'get it' and where you can be supported to build a business strategy that actually feels doable for you.


Come sit with us in our free community.

Truth be told.... starting a business is not the easy option. It's hard to switch off, it can be lonely and you have to make ALL the decisions.

But you don't have to do it on your own. Carer Mums in Business has a free online community offering peer support to help you continue to earn while juggling the school runs, the hospital appointments, the IEP meetings and everything else in between.

Braving the Wild: SEND Help is our dedicated podcast for working parent carers. Here how other carer & SEND Mums are balancing work with caring for their child.

The Carer Mums in Business blog is where you'll find lots of guides, tips & advice to support you in building a business around caring for your child with additional needs.

The Learning Hub is being created specifically for women just like you - women juggling caring for their child with ambitions to grow a business.
